Most Crucial Game

Eve Babcock Columbo Most Crucial Game

The Columbo stars we lost in 2019


From writers and directors to the talented actors who brought Columbo alive on the screen, here is a brief tribute to the Columbo stars we said a permanent farewell to 2019. May they continue to bring us delight in the years ahead every time we catch an episode.

My top 10 favourite Columbo killers


The line-up of Columbo killers makes for the very best sort of rogues’ gallery, with everyone from college kids to lovable grandmas represented. But have you ever stopped to think who your absolute favourite Columbo killers are? That’s the journey of discovery I’ve been on here.

Columbo’s Oscars pedigree


No silver screen accolade is more coveted than the Academy Award. And the stars of Columbo, both from in front of and behind the camera, have a shedload of Oscars between them – as well as nominations galore. Have a look here at Columbo’s Oscars pedigree. You might be surprised…

Columbo’s top 10 most high-profile cases


Columbo has bested some of he greatest criminal minds of his generation. But beyond that, he’s also brought down some of America’s highest profile and most-loved personalities. Here I consider what would rank as his most sensational cases.