
In memoriam: the Columbo stars we lost in 2020


Despite the impressive longevity of a high proportion of its guest stars, sadly no year elapses without a number of Columbo contributors passing on. Let’s raise a glass to the Columbo stars we lost in 2020, and thank them for the indelible mark they left on our favourite show.

Eve Babcock Columbo Most Crucial Game

The Columbo stars we lost in 2019


From writers and directors to the talented actors who brought Columbo alive on the screen, here is a brief tribute to the Columbo stars we said a permanent farewell to 2019. May they continue to bring us delight in the years ahead every time we catch an episode.

A word on Steven Bochco, Columbo contributor par excellence


April 1 2018 struck a sombre note for Columbo fans with news that Steven Bochco had died at the age of 74 after a long battle with leukemia. Although small compared to his main body of work, Bochco’s Columbo contribution remains one of the most celebrated of all.

Peter Falk Martin Landau

The Columbo stars we lost in 2017


With every year that passes, the pool of Columbo supporting stars gradually diminishes, and 2017 was no different. Here I pay tribute to the Columbo guest stars we said ‘bon voyage’ to over the past 12 months.

The Columbo stars we lost in 2016


Wow, 2016 was a shocker wasn’t it? Many of the world’s most popular stars of stage, screen, concert hall and sporting arena took their one-way trips to the Pearly Gates. Columbo fans weren’t immune to these losses and a number of much-loved guest stars bid us farewell.

Columbo Robert Vaughn montage

Bon voyage to Robert Vaughn: Columbo’s nautical nemesis


November 11, 2016 was a sad day for Columbo fans the world over, with the news that one of the show’s suavest and most stylish guest stars, Robert Vaughn, had died at the age of 83. For what he brought to the show, Vaughn retains a place in the hearts of Columbo fans in perpetuity.

Columbo’s Oscars pedigree


No silver screen accolade is more coveted than the Academy Award. And the stars of Columbo, both from in front of and behind the camera, have a shedload of Oscars between them – as well as nominations galore. Have a look here at Columbo’s Oscars pedigree. You might be surprised…

The Columbo legends we lost in 2015


As is to be expected of a show that’s well over 40 years old, a number of much-loved Columbo characters have passed away over the past 12 months. For what it’s worth, here’s a very small tribute to the Columbo legends we lost in 2015.