BIG thanks (and a small update)

Murder by the Book
“The Columbo Companion? Why, you dear man!”

Fellow Lieutenant lovers, I’ve been bowled over by the response to the release of The Columbo Companion and simply must take this opportunity to bellow a huge THANKS to you all for your support.

I’m not party to sales figures, but have been informed that the book has been selling ‘briskly’, and I’ve received numerous social media alerts from readers that their copies of the book have been received. The book has, I’m told, even topped some niche crime charts on Amazon in the US, so I’m officially declaring it a “NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER” until some killjoy slaps a ban on me doing so, claiming ‘false advertising’ infringements.

If you have bought the book and are a happy customer, please consider leaving a review (or even just a star rating) on Amazon. The more ratings, the more likelihood of other Columbo fans discovering the book and, in turn, the online Columbo community that we know and love. If you bought the book and didn’t like it, please address your concerns directly to TRICON Industries, where an austere but industrious receptionist will know exactly how to deal with you…

TRICON Industries is always happy to cooperate with furious readers…

And, of course, if you haven’t yet bought it, or have missed the hoo-hah surrounding the launch, full details can be found here.

CP to host Facebook Live Q&A

To discuss the book launch (and Columbo fandom in general), I’ll be staging a Facebook Live Q&A on Sunday, October 2. Time zones are a bit of an issue due to my location (Western Australia), so I’m staging it at midnight my time, which will equate to early evening UK time and morning/lunch in US and Canada.

If you are able to join in, that’d be fabulous! You can signify your interest here, or by clicking on the image below, which will direct you to Facebook. If you can’t make it, the Q&A will be available to view on FB at your leisure, so if you have a question you’d like to ask you can email it to me and I’ll do my best to answer it for you during the session.

I think that really is all for now, gang. Please again accept my thanks for your general niceness and my apologies for still not having published the Strange Bedfellows review. I promise you it’s not far away…

Me in disguise so people don’t savage me about the lack of a Strange Bedfellows review
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