Welcome to the new-look Columbophile blog!

Columbo blueprint for murder
Columbo goes to College
How do you like me now, brah?

Word up, homies! As I indicated a week or so ago, changes were required to the blog to ensure it was able to remain bug-free and able to satisfy the demands of thousands upon thousands of thirsty Columbo fans. The end result is here.

While nothing is vastly different, hopefully you won’t find the new design elements and colour schemes too jarring. You’ll swiftly get used to them at any rate, and I’m confident you’ll come round to thinking that the site is now NEW AND IMPROVED (just think, all this time you’ve been subjected to old and inferior). I’m particularly pleased that the photo captions are automatically centred below the image now, rather than being left justified – an aspect of the previous site theme that enraged me daily.

Of note to visitors new and old:-

Wilson is working on new blog content as we speak…

Between you lot and me, we’ll doubtless uncover some aspects of the new design that don’t work like they used to. If so, just alert me in comments and I’ll do what I can to troubleshoot. Infuriatingly, I’ve literally just noticed that there seems to be no way of accessing articles older than September 2021 via the homepage, which ceases to scroll beyond that point. WHY? There will be a fix, but it eludes me currently. (NB Problem has now been fixed. HUZZAH!)

That’s all I’ve got for you at present. Thanks for reading, and look out for more red-hot Columbo content coming your way soon (and I don’t mean an exclusive showing of Wade Anders’ porn debut in Holly Does Houston, you rascals!).

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This site was built by ‘boy genius’ Steven Spelberg – so blame him if anything goes wrong!
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