6 life lessons I learnt from Lieutenant Columbo

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A pet peeve of mine is the number of utterly pointless listicle articles that do the rounds on LinkedIn.

You know the sort: ’22 things ultra-successful people do every morning’; ‘Do these 7 things to springboard your career’; ‘The 5 most important traits of a natural leader’.

These articles abound in their thousands, and seem to have only one purpose: to catch the attention of a commuting professional for 30 seconds, and give them a chance to share it themselves while making a sage/trite comment about how meaningful it all is.

“Are there any genuine life lessons that can be taken from Columbo and applied to actual people in the real world?”

I tired of such tosh many moons ago. But it did get me thinking about whether any genuine life lessons can be taken from Columbo and applied to actual people in the real world. And happily there are!

So while the very act of writing this article may well have turned me into what I despise, I do think there’s at least a kernel of real-world learning here. If you agree, and you do wish to share it on LinkedIn, for once I shan’t mind a bit…

1. Perseverance pays off

The quintessential Columbo characteristic is his perseverance. Whether it’s chasing down every lead to a satisfactory conclusion, or hounding his quarry until they admit defeat and get carted off down town, Lieutenant Columbo is the very embodiment of tenacity and endurance.

There’s a very obvious lesson here that we would all do well to remember. In attempting to solve perfect crime after perfect crime, it would be easier for Columbo to give up the ghost and accept he’s beaten. He never does and this uncompromising approach to his work has taken him to exactly where he wants to be in life.

2. Work harder than the competition

Similar to the above and again relevant to everyone, no matter what their line of work, application to the task in hand can be just as important – if not more so – than natural talent alone. To quote no less a luminary than Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson (who I actually love): “Always be the hardest worker in the room.” Columbo absolutely epitomises that attitude.

Take his conversation with Oliver Brandt in the Bye-Bye Sky High IQ Murder Case as a prime example, which I’ll report to you in his words directly.

“You know, sir, it’s a funny thing. All my life, I kept running into smart people. In school, there were lot’s of smarter kids, and when I first joined the force, sir, they had some very clever people there and I could tell right away it wasn’t going to be easy making detective as long as they were around.

“But I figured if I worked harder than they did, put in more time, read the books, kept my eyes open, maybe I could make it happen. And I did. And I really love my work, sir.”

Enough said…

3. Question everything – in the right way

There’s always one more thing!

Columbo didn’t get to his desired location in life by accepting things at face value. And while that of course makes sense for a detective, the same can also be said for just about any profession you can name.

The ability to find the truth of the matter and arm yourself with the information you need to succeed is a real skill – and no one did it better than Lieutenant Columbo, whose ability to disarm his opponents through a combination of apparent confusion and killer questions is much more than just a TV show trope.

Indeed, ‘The Columbo Method‘ of questioning to extract inconsistencies in the stories of others through ‘repeated, temporally separated questioning about specific details’ in a non-confrontational fashion is actually a real thing, used every day by lawyers, doctors and business leaders across the world. It’s so effective that it’s still a basis for research from some of the most august learning establishments on earth – including the Harvard Medical School in 2017.

Columbo doesn’t throw in “just one more question” as a silly gimmick, either. When this happens you know he’s really seeking to find out a big truth, or turn a situation to his advantage: something many experienced business leaders do on a daily basis.

4. Be humble

Make sure you can appeal to both prince and pauper

For a man who’s single-handedly responsible for some of the most sensational crime busts of all time (best-selling writers, silver screen icons, politicians, musicians and more), Columbo remains remarkably down to earth and a man with no airs and graces.

Yes this is fiction, but such humility is a trait shared by many great leaders past and present, including Ghandi, Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, Saladin, Buddha. Many pieces of research suggest that humility in business leaders is a key factor in driving high-performance teams.

One of Columbo’s best features is that humility, which gives him the ability to effectively communicate with prince or pauper – quite literally as we see him swiftly establish trust with everyone from the King of Suaria in A Case of Immunity (pictured) to a homeless alcoholic in Negative Reaction. and a down-on-his-luck former high wire performer in Now You See Him.

It all helps him get what he needs from people to succeed personally, while empowering others at the same time. What a gift.

5. Be happy with your lot in life

Many people worry that they should have achieved certain personal and professional goals by a certain age – even if they don’t really need or want them. I know I do. Not so Columbo.

He loves his job, his wife, his dog and his family. He has no desire to upgrade his beat-up car, or earn a bigger pay packet (remember that he could’ve tripled his pay if he moved to work as a PI with Brimmer and co in Death Lends a Hand). He enjoys the simple things in life: a bowl of chilli, a night out bowling, a cheap cigar unless a better one is available…

We must assume that Columbo often had the chance to progress beyond the rank of Lieutenant. But why would he want that? It’s here, at the coal face of detecting, that Columbo has found his calling. Status symbols don’t matter to him. He has job satisfaction, enough cash to get by and no delusions of grandeur. In short, he’s absolutely content with what he has. We should all be so lucky.

6. Be tough when you have to be

When the going gets tough, it’s very easy to withdraw from confrontation and assume a subservient position, never really speaking your mind. We all do it, and to an extent it’s required in order to avoid creating a disharmonious workplace.

But sometimes you have to be tough. Someone might be trash-talking a colleague, or their idleness might be jeopardising the success of a team project. How many of us, hand on heart, really respond as we should in situations like this, uncomfortable as it might make us?

That’s where Columbo excels. When there are unnecessary roadblocks in his way, as a last resort the Lieutenant does drop that veneer to speak his mind, put others in their place and, ultimately, drive positive outcomes. Think of his tirade against Joan Hudson in Prescription: Murder; his genuine anger at Dr Barry Mayfield in A Stitch in Crime; even his cutting through the bullsh*t with a surprised Dr Anita Borden in A Deadly State of Mind (pictured).

You sense he doesn’t enjoy having to do it, but if that’s what makes the difference between success and failure he’ll say what needs to be said and make no apologies for it.

“When there are unnecessary roadblocks in his way, as a last resort the Lieutenant does drop that veneer to speak his mind.”

So there we are: life lessons from Columbo relevant to professionals the world over! Hit me up on LinkedIn if you’re active. Search for ‘Lieutenant Columbo’ or ‘Los Angeles Police Department’. Let’s do lunch! Your treat…

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